Up high. Love doesn’t occur in a moment. Some love needs to
be developed, but all love lasts eternally. A moment has the power to form this
lasting love. Two weeks ago I stepped into a classroom and despite all the preparation
for the past 6 months I was mentally unprepared for the events that were about
to unfold. Everyday with these kids has been a blessing and I feel privileged
to have been their teacher every step of the way. Since the first day their
lives have become intertwined in my own. Names that seemed so foreign now roll
off of my tongue like that of a sister or brother. And they are family- a
family who I chose but love all the same.
Doing this work I am left with treasures- Salsabbil’s smiles, Taha’s
laugh, Fadewa’s tender heart, Selma’s diligence, and countless other memories.
This is what inspires me and has given me the drive to pour out my soul across
the world. The reward I get seeing their
progress is worth each bead of sweat, the late nights, and every ounce of
effort. Education is the foundation to opportunity and to help develop this
core in my students is an honor. It excites me to see how far CGA has already
helped Abdasalam Saya School and how much more it will aid them in the future.
Down low. It started on a roof top. With a band, candy, and
music. Then of course there was dancing. With every twirl drawing us closer to
the kids another feeling drew my mind away. This was it. There is no tomorrow.
Every instant became the last time. And suddenly it was over. They walked down
a flight of stairs and out of my life. This new normal that I had grown
accustomed to is no longer. Soon the summer cycle will be in full swing and
this trip will be nothing but a memory. But this memory is ingrained in me.
This journey changed me. Not a change that fades- but one that stays alive. This
trip has taught me about the purpose of defiance. No opinion can be trusted
until you have formed your own. “The truth” isn’t always true. No version is
the same. So trust your own opinion as long as it is educated. A culture isn’t
defined by one person, but one person can defy a culture. This person has the
power to stigmatize or revolutionize it. My challenge to you is to not follow
the common belief about the Muslim culture. The next time you hear a comment
don’t help cultivate it. Don’t be the person that wishes to make a change-
instead do it. It doesn’t have to be extraordinary it can be a simple act that
becomes an ordinary one throughout the culture.
Too slow. I would give anything to relive this trip. It went
by in an instant. The first day seems as though it was yesterday, but today we
took our last steps in the school. When the 6 hour days of teaching last week
seemed to go buy in minutes the 4 hour days this week occurred in a flash. The
English the kids know now versus what they used to is incomparable yet it all
occurred within 10 days of teaching. Tasks that were milestones now are small
bumps in the road after a long journey. From stuttering through introductions
to rolling through dialogues the growth is remarkable. Each student was distinct.
All of them had their own strengths, weaknesses, and personalities. But all of
them were united. They never complained, and were driven by their desire to
learn English. English is the key to them; a key to a world of opportunity that
puts them ahead. I was handed this key, and it is therefore my responsibility
to help hand out as many keys so that they may be given the same opportunities
for we are all one. And as one we may fall or rise.